Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group Privacy Policy
As described below, according to laws and regulations concerning personal information, Sendagaya Japanese Institute has established a “Privacy Policy” regarding the handling of personal information obtained from current, former, and prospective students (hereinafter referred to as “students”). Directors and faculty members will obey this policy and commit to the protection and appropriate use of personal information.
Definition of Personal Information
Student Personal Information is defined by the school as any information that can identify a specific individual using the name, date of birth, or any other description included in the information.
Collection of Personal Information
In order to provide a better service, this website may collect personal information from its users within the scope necessary. The scope of personal information collected is set according to the limits of necessity to achieve its purpose and nothing more. Furthermore, the information will be collected by legal and impartial means.
When using this website, as long as the user does not provide it themselves, the school will not collect any information that can identify the user individually (name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc.). The school may ask for the user’s personal information (name, address, phone number, e-mail) for the purpose of sending documents, sending messages through this website, or providing information about the school. In this case, if the user does not provide the school with the information to identify them individually, they might not be able to receive the information or services that this website offers.
Usage of Personal Information
The personal information provided by users will be handled to achieve the purpose according to the scope necessary for the cause of education, research, and other services. In case of a change in the purpose of use, the school will publicly make an announcement and ask for all individuals’ consent.
Shared Use of Personal Information
Personal information will be shared and used within associated corporations.
This school’s associated corporations are as follows:
- Sendagaya Japanese College Yoshioka Educational Foundation
- Sendagaya Language School Yoshioka Educational Foundation
- Sendagaya Japanese Institute
- SJI, Inc. (Japanese Language Teacher’s Training Program)
Safety Measures for Personal Information
The school is committed to taking the appropriate security measures to prevent the user’s personal information collected from being the target of leakage, theft, loss, falsification, or illegal infiltration.
Personal Information Management
A personal information manager is in charge of appropriately administrating the personal information provided by the user. For job performance and service-delivering purposes, the school may outsource to a consigned contractor recognized for handling personal information appropriately. The consigned contractor will utilize the personal information under the scope of necessity to conduct its business. In this case, unless under special circumstances, the school will prevent information from leaking and being redelivered according to contractual obligations.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Without users’ consent, the school will not disclose or provide the personal information collected to third parties (excluding business affiliations and contractors). However, the school may disclose users’ personal information to outside institutions based on reasonable judgment in case the website is required to share information by law, or if the information is deemed necessary to be disclosed under the following purposes:
- In case of complying with the law
- In case it is difficult to obtain consent from all parties involved for the protection of a person’s life, physical safety, or properties
- In case of necessity to cooperate with national institutions, local public entities, or their consigned contractors to conduct business complied with the law and if by obtaining the consent from all parties involved, the performance of the entities above may be compromised
In case the school needs to disclose the user’s personal information to third parties other than the consigned contractors, the school will prevent information from leaking or being redelivered by obligating the third parties in question to take necessary and appropriate measures to protect the personal information according to contractual obligations.
If a user requests for the suspension of their personal information being disclosed, revised, or used, the school will promptly commit to attending to the request while complying with the law.

Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Reasons to Choose Sendagaya
1. Higher Education Achievements
3. Student Support by International Staff
Student Life
© 2023 Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Tel: +81-3-5337-7001 Fax: 03-5332-6696
Weekdays 8:30am~5:30pm (Japan time)

Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Weekday 8:30am~5:30pm (Japan time)
© 2023 Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group