お知らせ|| News
2024/10/30 千駄ヶ谷日本語学校と千駄ヶ谷外語学院が文部科学省の認定日本語教育機関
2024/10/09 千駄ヶ谷日本語教育研究所グループ校合同入学式を開催/Sendagaya Japanese
       Institute Group Schools for hold Joint Entrance Ceremony
2024/09/05 日本で就職したい留学生たちが初めて日本企業を見学!/International
       students who want to work in Japan visited Japanese companies for        
       the first time!
2024/07/03 千駄ヶ谷日本語教育研究所付属日本語学校7月期入学式開催/
       千驮谷日本语教育研究所学院付属日本语学校 7 月学期举行开学典礼


お知らせ|| News
2024/10/30 千駄ヶ谷日本語学校と千駄ヶ谷外語学院が文部科学省の認定日本語教育機関として認定されました。
2024/10/09 千駄ヶ谷日本語教育研究所グループ校合同入学式を開催/Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group Schools for hold Joint Entrance Ceremony
2024/09/05 日本で就職したい留学生たちが初めて日本企業を見学!/International students who want to work in Japan visited Japanese companies for the first time!
2024/07/03 千駄ヶ谷日本語教育研究所付属日本語学校7月期入学式開催/千驮谷日本语教育研究所学院付属日本语学校 7 月学期举行开学典礼


【Academic Japanese Course】
Sendagaya Japanese College

[Graduate School Preparatory Course]
Sendagaya Japanese Institute

【Business Japanese Course】
Sendagaya Language School

Japanese Institute

In addition to being a means of communication, words are used to express a person’s thoughts or
a country’s culture and society. We believe that learning a foreign language is essential for intercultural understanding and that it plays a vital role in leading to international perception.

Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group has been conducting research for several years on how people, whose mother tongue is not Japanese, can master the language effectively. The techniques built from research on developing textbooks and Japanese language teaching methods have been utilized at Sendagaya Group’s 3 Japanese language schools’ education. We firmly believe that Japanese language education is vital for true international exchanges.





Touch, see, hear,

smell, and taste.

Use all of your five senses

and learn authentic Japanese!

Sendagaya Group’s Three Qualities

Higher Education
Admission Achievements

For students from Sendagaya Group, learning Japanese is not the ultimate goal. What lies ahead of them is an even bigger dream and objective: advancing to a Japanese graduate school, university, vocational school, or entering their job of choice.

Sendagaya Group has produced several students who have been accepted into the most prestigious universities and graduate schools, such as University of Tokyo and Kyoto University. Sendagaya Group is extremely proud of these unsurpassable achievements in higher education advancement, which are the reflection of our meticulous academic guidance built from several years of experience.

The students from Sendagaya receive academic support from well-versed teachers while cooperating and growing with their peers toward their dreams after acquiring the Japanese language.

Education Quality

Many students who graduate from Sendagaya move on to the next stage of their lives in Japan, such as advancing to university, graduate school, vocational school, finding employment, etc.
In their next stage, they will need to cooperate with Japanese people in academic, work, and daily life situations. The education offered by Sendagaya considers the Japanese language that will be used in situations present
in students’ future goals.

Multinational Staff

Multilingual support not only before and during your enrollment, but also until your employment after graduating from university, graduate school, or vocational school! Our friendly multinational staff is here to help you have a safe study-abroad experience in Japan in terms of language, lifestyle, health, career path, or even life counseling at times.

Click here for information on China Office and Vietnam Office

There are other reasons why SJI is chosen




Connections to Other Educational Institutions

Outside Evaluations