About Sendagaya Group

About Sendagaya Group
Sendagaya Japanese Institute was founded in 1975 at Sendagaya Shibuya ward in Tokyo prefecture. In 1976, the Japanese Language Teachers’ Training program was established, and since then it has been leading the Japanese language education field. Currently, Sendagaya Japanese Institute consists of the following 3 Japanese language schools: Sendagaya Japanese College which offers the University Preparatory Course recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology; Sendagaya Japanese Institute which is specialized in Graduate School preparation; and Sendagaya Language School which answers to a wide range of needs. Sendagaya Japanese Institute aims to contribute to the international community through Japanese language education and Japanese language training.
Basic Philosophy
Based on the spirit of practical learning, we aim to promote a deep understanding of Japanese culture and language, as well as international cultural exchange through Japanese language education, to help realize a multicultural society and foster individuals who can thrive in the global community from an international perspective.
Our goal is to train each student of Japanese so that they make full use of the Japanese communication skills they have acquired through practical learning, enabling them to become active members of not only Japanese society but also global society.

Hiroko Okinaga
Chairperson of Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Hiroko Okinaga graduated from the Department of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tokyo. She earned her doctorate in medicine and is a practicing physician.
After working in the Division of Nephrology and Endocrinology at the University of Tokyo Hospital, she was appointed deputy director of Teikyo Heisei University in June 2006 and has served as president since August 2007. In January 2021, she was appointed chairperson of Yoshioka Educational Foundation (currently known as Sendagaya Educational Foundation).

Foundation of Sendagaya Japanese Institute at Sendagaya Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Establishment of the Japanese Teachers’ Training Program

Entrusted by ASEAN-Japan Center with “Japanese language training for tourism purposes” to tourism industry workers in 6 ASEAN countries (at the time). Cooperation with Japan International Development Organization, Ltd. (JAIDO) to teach system engineers the Japanese language in Bangalore, India

Cooperation with China-Japan Friendship Hospital (Beijing) to provide Japanese language education to Chinese nurses

Request from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training to train 100 Vietnamese Japanese language teachers

Entrusted by the Department of Education of Queensland, Australia with training local Japanese language teachers

Establishment of the Sendagaya Japanese Institute West Building in Naka-Ochiai Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
*Current Graduate School Preparatory Course (Sendagaya Japanese Institute). Quota: 900 students

Opening of the SJI International College Gold Coast in Australia

25th Anniversary. Cooperation with the “118th Japanese Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra Sunday Concert”

Establishment of Sendagaya Japanese School, Yoshioka Educational Foundation in Takada Toshima-ku, Tokyo
*Current Academic Japanese Course (Sendagaya Japanese College). Quota: 1,728 students

Recognition from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as an official Preparatory Education Institution
Establishment of Sendagaya China Office

Establishment of Toshima Japanese Language School, Yoshioka Educational Foundation in Komagome Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Entrusted by the Agency for Cultural Affairs with Japanese language education to “Foreigners Living in Japan”

Integration of Sendagaya Japanese School and Toshima Japanese Language School, Yoshioka Educational Foundation, and relocation to Shimo-Ochiai Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Renaming of Sendagaya Japanese Institute West Building to Sendagaya Japanese Institute

Establishment of Sendagaya Vietnam Office

Establishment of Sendagaya Language School, Yoshioka Educational Foundation in Komagome Toshima-ku, Tokyo
*Current Business Japanese Course (Sendagaya Language School). Quota: 100 students

Became part of Teikyo Group

Name changed to Sendagaya Educational Foundation
Accredited as a Nationally Accredited Japanese Language Educational Institution
Sendagaya Japanese Institution Group Organization
Sendagaya Japanese College
1-1-6 Shimo-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number
Managing Institution
Sendagaya Educational Foundation
Chairperson Hiroko Okinaga
Course offered
Academic Japanese Course
Sendagaya Japanese Institute
1-1-29 Naka-Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number
Managing Institution
Best Communications Co., Ltd. Representative Director Watanabe Seiko
Course offered
Graduate School Preparatory Course
Quota 900
Sendagaya Language School
1-13-11 Komagome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number
Managing Institution
Sendagay Educational Foundation
Chairperson Hiroko Okinaga
Course offered
Business Japanese Course
Sendagaya Japanese Institute
6th Floor, 1-26-7 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number
Managing Institution
SJI Co., Ltd. Representative Director Watanabe Seiko
Course offered
Japanese Language Teachers’ Training Program
Overseas Offices
China Office

88-2, No. 5 Yongzheng North Street, Xigang District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province
(From Mainland China) 0411-8437-1836
(From other areas) +86-411-8437-1836
Vietnam Office

3 Floor, The West Building,
265 Cau Giay Street, Dich vong, CauGiay,
Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Telephone number

Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Reasons to Choose Sendagaya
1. Higher Education Achievements
3. Student Support by International Staff
Student Life
© 2023 Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Tel: +81-3-5337-7001 Fax: 03-5332-6696
Weekdays 8:30am~5:30pm (Japan time)

Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group
Weekday 8:30am~5:30pm (Japan time)
© 2023 Sendagaya Japanese Institute Group