At Sendagaya Japanese College, we provide guidance for daily life, such as how to call 110 in case of a traffic accident, traffic rules, and how to call an ambulance in case of a sudden change in health when an international student is home alone.

For example, if a student who has just started studying Japanese needs an ambulance at home, he/she can call the school’s emergency number and a staff member will call 119 to call an ambulance. However, if an emergency occurs, students should call 119 directly, which will shorten the time until an ambulance arrives and help avoid the worst case scenario.
The other day, in each class we handed out handouts that we had created for each student and instructed them to call 119 and give the necessary information while looking at the words on the handout, even in the event of an emergency.

We will continue to take care of our students so that they can live in Japan with peace of mind.